Welcome to Rumah Bersama, Shared Home
Indonesia is heading to her centennial in 2045. The government designated it
4.0, through which the vision of digital-based economic and industrial development
invested. A coherent vision is required as the imagination of Indonesia 4.0 takes
account of maintaining freedom of religion and belief (FoRB) in a multicultural
The present database service appeals to the government and the socio-religious
stakeholders to realize the constitutional mandate to protect FoRB. It provides a
comprehensive picture to fulfill the vision of an inclusive and peaceful society,
from fear and violence, as the Agenda 2030 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
promises. It curated more than 400 cases of FoRB from many sources produced by human
rights organizations and media. The events span throughout the history of modern
Indonesia. The database included cases that endorsed interreligious understanding
also cases that hindered the expression of religion and belief. Hence, the service
called Rumah Bersama, Shared Home.